When I took the leap to start Little Red House, it was because I couldn't find the product I needed. There wasn't a planner in NZ that met my needs of separating out all I had going on with our business, and everything with the family. The planner I did find came from Europe and cost over $100! It shouldn't be that way. So Little Red House was started.
I was walking in foreign territory. I had never built a website, designed a logo, had an Instagram account or blogged! That side of things is not me, but it's got to be done if I want to bring something to people that I think would make a difference to people's lives.
Change of Heart

But the more I got into it, the more I realised I was a part of something bigger. My eyes were opened I knew I was a new kid on the block. I knew I wasn't going to make any profit in my first year, but I wanted to be a part of this. So my quest to support other small businesses started.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much
Helen Keller sums it up well. So where could I start? Running promotions with other small businesses, liking and commenting on business posts, providing advice on different platforms. And then.... why don't I have the public design the 2022 covers? Someone might get the break they needed, or expose their work to a realm of people that had never seen it before. YES!
Meet Lesh
2022 will see the release of two cover options. After running a cover design competition, I got to see what talent we have in NZ.
The winner, Lesh, is a illustrative artist living in Wellington who specialises in Acrylic and Indian ink paintings. Her illustrations are then turned into quality prints in A3 200gsm and A4 300gsm and Greet cards.
Lesh's art is all inspired by nature especially New Zealand's Native birds and Native flora. Recently Lesh has begun to have her designs put on teatowels, t shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies as modelled by Lesh here - www.doodlewear.co.nz/collections/lesh-creates . So now customers can enjoy wearing Lesh's art for everyone to admire. You can visit her site here lesh-creates.mystorbie.com or follow her on Facebook & Instagram
And Vicki
Vicki Fraser is an abstract-realist artist living in Tauranga with her husband and 5 children.
She works in oils and acrylics creating works with a colourful and painterly style.
She loves the effect that a simple brushstroke, in the right place, can have to bring a painting to life.
She paints portraits, figures and anything that catches her eye.
She was excited to be announced the winner of the Emerging Artist Award at the 2020 BOP Garden and Arts Festival.
You can follow her on Instagram @vicki.fraser.art
New Zealander's are great at being innovative, creative and entrepreneurial. Let's support and nurture this!